Primary School Learning & Support


Primary School Learning & Support


At Summerwood we believe in creating a classroom environment where routine, love and age-appropriate stimulation produce an enjoyable learning experience for the children. This environment lays the foundation on which our children can stand firm and have a positive start to their school career.

At Summerwood, we believe that 21st century learning skills should be integrated with the CAPS Curriculum and as such, we maintain a high level of IT-teaching and learning.

Our teachers use Microsoft Teams for teaching and learning and we have also embarked on using CAMI Web, a flexible web-based Mathematics system where learners can practise their Mathematics skills anywhere and anytime.

Our mission for all subjects is for learners to:

  • Work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team.
  • Organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively.
  • Communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes.

We have three distinct learning phases at Summerwood Primary School: The Foundation Phase, the Intermediate Phase and the Senior Phase.

The seven levels of achievement for the National Curriculum Statement are the same across all Grades 1-7:

7 – Outstanding Achievement 80% – 100%
6 – Meritorious Achievement 70% – 79%
5 – Substantial Achievement 60% – 69%
4 – Adequate Achievement 50% – 59%
3 – Moderate Achievement 40% – 49%
2 – Elementary Achievement 30%– 39%
1 – Not Achieved 0% – 29%

Foundation Phase – Grades 1 to 3

Starting “big school” is such an important step in every child’s development and the beginning of a 12-year journey in school. In the Foundation Phase, we teach our little ones how to be young scholars who are socially and emotionally ready to face the rest of their school career with confidence.

In the Foundation Phase we aspire to teach, guide, lead and love our children, to help them to grow and develop in a caring environment.

We cover the full CAPS Curriculum in all the subjects, promoting various life skills and character traits throughout the daily lessons. We use a variety of media, resources, and educational strategies to ensure that the learners are engaged and stimulated in the classroom. Above all, we focus on the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics.

Summerwood athletics long jump
Summerwood cricket team

Our professional and nurturing teachers provide a holistic and integrated education for the Summerwood learners. We achieve this by encouraging a balance between academic work, sporting activities and cultural involvement in activities such as music or choir. In this way, we plan to develop holistic individuals who have a hunger to learn and interact creatively with their peers.

We believe that our Summerwood children should enjoy their school day in the safe and fun learning environment that we provide.

Intermediate Phase – Grades 4 to 6

The vision for our Intermediate Phase learners is to build on the skills and knowledge gained in the Foundation Phase. We strive to use creative teaching techniques and fun learning experiences that create a love for learning and build confidence to tackle any academic challenge.

We believe in a collaborative learning environment where children learn from and inspire one another, in the classroom and on the sports field. In this way, we aim to work alongside families, to raise caring and compassionate young people who possess the skills required to apply their values in society.

The Intermediate Phase builds on the foundations laid in the early grades. Learners use their reading and writing skills from the Foundation Phase to explore new subjects such as History, Geography and Natural Sciences. Creative classroom lessons are combined with excursions and practical learning which promote an enjoyable learning experience for our children.

Summerwood athletics long jump
Summerwood cricket team

Our teachers use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to prepare our learners for the various assessments utilised in the phase. Exam assessments are introduced from Grade 4 and our teachers help the learners master the skills and attitudes that are part and parcel of this discipline.

Senior Phase – Grade 7

Our vision is that each Grade 7 learner would leave Summerwood with the skills, attitudes and values necessary to be a well-grounded citizen in society.

Our Grade 7 teachers aim to equip the learners for life in general and for high school in particular. We focus on the academic content, but we also aim to equip the learners with study skills and ways to manage their schoolwork in a more independent manner.

Summerwood athletics long jump
Summerwood cricket team

Besides the strong academic focus, we encourage participation in the various sporting and cultural activities, so that the Grade 7 learners have the opportunity to set an example to the younger learners and to take leadership roles in the music and sporting arenas.

Our Leadership Development Program is aimed at all of the children in the grade, as we believe that these skills and values are essential life skills for every child in society today.

Academic Support / Remedial / Speech / OT

We embrace a diverse and inclusive learning environment, ensuring that children with barriers to learning receive the individual support they need to succeed in the classroom.

Our ELSEN (Education for Learners with Special Educational Needs) Department ensures comprehensive educational support for learners with specific barriers to learning.

They manage paperwork, guide teachers in assessments and maintain accurate records. They provide invaluable support to parents and teachers and collaborate with the Department of Education’s Support Centre to assist families with the registration of learners into support systems.

In addition, our ELSEN Department assists individual Grade 1 learners with barriers to learning, following baseline assessments. Group interventions for reading in Grades 1, 2, and 3 take place in the ICT Centre, utilising the CAMI Reading program.

Children requiring speech and occupational therapy, are referred to private specialists.

Summerwood athletics long jump